7 Chocolate Flavors You Need To Taste Before You Leave
Chocolate is delicious and as I always say, the weirder the better. Okay, I don’t actually say that, but it’s totally true in this instance.
The flavors of chewy homemade caramel, crisp pecans and heavenly milk chocolate all combined into one piece of candy is just a bite of heaven right here on earth. This is definitely a puzzle for the palate. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.
3. Truffles
4. Dipped Chocolates

For a little after dinner treat you could have strawberries, or you could have strawberries dipped in chocolate. You could enjoy a macaron, or you could have a macaron dipped in chocolate. Yes, you could have a Nutter Butter, or you could have a Nutter Butter dipped in chocolate. If you’re the type who eats first with your eyes, you’ll love this .
5. Chocolates

Milk or dark chocolate butter almond toffee. This is the fanciest chocolate of all chocolates. It deserves a little bow tie, or maybe a monocle.
6. Caramel Apples

Salted caramel sauce – simple, delicious. Not as salty as I expected, but in a good way. Perfect for just about anything.
7. Jelly Belly