Magic Beans
Our first awareness falling through time through blood-rain, pure white snow, green vegetation down into deep earth warm sunshine cool wind soaking rain Energy flowing-up through our pod each day we grew bigger snug together with brothers and sisters bursting our little cozy shell then one day a father and daughter plucked us from the vine stripped – we lay bare upon a tray disorientated and tender but alive a life force deep inside us our skin soft but hardening then sleep . . . waiting for the one Daddy!! Come see the beans They changed colors I see brown ones with white specks Yellow with black dots Orange with blue stripes But wait . . . there are three larger beans that seem to glow and vibrate one is blood-red another . . . brilliant white the last . . . forest green What does this mean daddy? Is it evil? No my sweet darling These are special beans Descended from an ancient garden long ago . . . no longer of this world It was a place of love and light No death but a deep communion between mother earth and us The three beans are: Peace, Purity, Prosperity These beans will feed a starving world Bring healing to the hurting Laughter to the downtrodden Hope to the desolate Love to the unloved Life to the dead These beans hold deep magic How do they work Daddy? a worthy woman is chosen who is humble of heart strong in spirit wise in love Who is this lady? the magic beans choose they only appear to the one female you, my darling . . . you are the one Me? I am only a girl I have none of these things . . . the beans see deep within a soul they never lie they have chosen you together you will change the world! Daddy, I am scared . . . I am shaking I am not worthy breathe deeply, close your eyes put the beans in your mouth Daddy, I taste sweetness Molasses, ginger, caramel . . . now chocolate I see visions upon the wind Blood, wars, rage, yelling . . . unbearable things yes, darling the evil is strong here let the blood from the red bean flow let it mingle with your love it will defeat this evil and bring healing and forgiveness . . . peace The white bean is singing with my voice – Daddy! Sweet is her song I see merriment, laugher, dancing . . . People hugging and holding hands My tears are falling Filling rivers with waters of light, love and purity Joy reverberates from mountains peaks From my open lips runs rich green sap Deep does the earth drink Big drafts of life and love I see fields flowing with Cream, honey, and wine Trees waving to the sun The earth is rejoicing I see beans being planted In a garden A man and a little girl yes, my Little One, soar now fill the world with your love fill the wind with your song love generously Such is the magic of these colored beans Written by David Meade Shared from PoetrySoup
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